The use of crystals, like acupuncture, has been a healing modality since ancient times.
According to quantum physics, the study of particles and matter, everything (including you and me and all the things around us) has energy, is made up of atoms and constantly moving and vibrating on a subatomic level. Your vibrations (Dominant Oscillary Rate) and mine are different, just as crystals themselves have different and unique vibrations. Crystals are composed of a repetitive organized, perfect geometric pattern and therefore vibrate at a higher frequency than we do. Because they have a higher DOR they are able to synchronize with our energy, increasing our vibration or energy.
Crystals also align the meridians (Qi) in the body with the Chakras or energy centers, and when used in contact with the body can offer healing and relief. Energetic imbalances (Qi stagnation in acupuncture) lead to physical ailments/emotional issues. When our frequency drops, our immune system is compromised. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), a pioneer of electrical technology, said that "if we could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfere with our bodies, we would have a greater resistance toward disease."
In one example of Crystal Therapy the crystals are placed strategically on the body's energy centers to connect vibration to vibration, making sure that each energy center is activated and aligned with the gem that it corresponds to best. When there is coherence in our body, our organs are vibrating in their proper frequency and are in sync, it promotes good health.
For more information on individual crystals, please go to my Blog located in the drop-down menu under Chinese Medicine.